150 Tree saplings distributed to DK Zilla Panchayat High Primary School, Bengre

27.6.2023- 150 Tree saplings have been distributed to DK Zilla Panchayat High Primary (12.00AM) School,Bengre students in their Vanamahotsava programme. The Saplings were provided by our Club. The Vanamahotsava was conducted jointly with the RCC Bengre. Rtn. Kishan Kumar, Rtn.Dr.Siddharth Shetty, Rtn. M. Sanjiva Pujary,Rtn. Madhava Suvarna and Rtn. Ganesh Nagvekar, were present in the programme. A competition was organised for the students that received the saplings for best maintained sapling. Prizes to be judged and awarded in November for Childrens day

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