Sanitary Napkin vending Machines and Incinerators

Rotary club of Mangalore donated 14 Sanitary Napkin vending Machines and Incinerators to 13 education institutions under the District Grant Project of RI District 3181at a cost of Rs.4,75,000/-.The handing over ceremony was held University College, Mangalore on 06/03/2020 in the presence of following members and Beneficiaries. Major donor Rtn Joseph Mathew- District Governor of RI District 3181,PDG Rtn Krishna Shetty – DRFC of RI District 3181, Rtn Sumeet Rao – Assistant Governor, Zone 3, District 3181, Rtn Jathin Attavar – President, Rotary club of Mangalore, Rtn Pramod Kumar- Secretary, Rotary club of Mangalore and Rtn Aditya Pai – Director, community service, Rotary club of Mangalore.
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